Parenting in a Culture War

May 12, 2024    Pastor Zach Terry

The sermon focuses on the critical roles of parenting and generational leadership from a biblical perspective. Pastor Terry emphasizes the importance of raising children according to God's design, underscoring the distinct roles for men and women—men as providers and protectors, and women as nurturers and supporters within the family.

Throughout the sermon, Pastor Terry addresses the challenges posed by modern societal trends, specifically the blurring of gender distinctions and the delay of adult responsibilities among young people. He calls on parents to be vigilant and proactive in their approach to parenting, urging them to instill traditional values and prepare their children to navigate life with strong biblical principles.

The main message of Pastor Terry’s sermon is to equip children for the future by providing a solid, faith-based upbringing that respects God’s plan for gender roles and personal growth. He advocates for deliberate, disciplined, and loving parenting that helps children face contemporary challenges without compromising their faith.