Mar 31, 2024    Pastor Zach Terry

It appeared that Satan had won - the Son of God, the Author of Life itself, nailed to a

cross and crucified. His cold, lifeless body lay in a dark tomb. A stone rolled over the

entrance marked by a Roman seal, and a squad of soldiers stood guard to ensure that

his corpse remained undisturbed. It seemed that the sealed tomb would go down in

history as a perpetual memorial to a lost cause named Jesus of Nazareth.

• Peter and James had already returned to their prior profession as fishermen.

• The women were preparing burial spices, which were intended to cover the stench of

decaying flesh.

It seems nobody expected what came next - Think of it - Jesus was dead in the tomb,

and every cell had begun the process of disintegration. Then suddenly, dramatically,

God the Father poured out the Holy Spirit on the DEAD body of Jesus - and not only did

life burst forth from death - it was a life far grander than ANY that had previously been.